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My Best Yoga App

lastly i was searching in the google play the market of android mobile for some fitness app i search and i search every app i download it I find that i have to pay to get some options that i need then i decide to search for a yoga app i saw that the first row no one get my intention i then i find a logo a cute logo with a purple color and i like purple i pray god to be good i like to have it in my mobile . then i see some reviews i try to read the new  one :)


Montgomery Jessy
I'm a beginner and this app has been the best I've used.


Bramston Issie

Great app I have tried many yoga apps, this is surely the best of all available.



Pearse Thomson

This app is totally awesome. I love it so much. Great to use.


what is encourage me a lot then i click the download button with the hope that it will helps me with my daily yoga . the first thing that it catch me is the simplicité of the design simple , clear and easy . i find two column one of different poses with a long and easy description with a animation picture shows the moves . the second column is a program of a week of daily yoga every day has a diffrent poses to do i really was so happy to not find a paying options .
i take my decision to start it the next day it was Monday i decide that Tuesday will be my first day i block my mobile than i hear a notification i see what happen i find a notification with the app name with a long quote i could not read it all i click on it and a subscription form blow up .
i was afraid that i have to pay something because i already payed for a app and i'm not happy of it . i enter my informations and it works smoothly . i find a lovely interface simple and easy like the app but this time it is a social network like twitter and facebook but just for yogis some questions and informations also videos, i enjoy it such a lovely place with great people .

if you like yoga join us if not join us too you will discover a lovely world 


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