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Things To Expect When You Opt For Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Getting a realistic tan indoors is made possible by Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion. This product saves your skin from ending up with cancer and photo damage as it requires no UV radiation exposure in order to work. Read on if buying Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion is on your mind to know some things to expect while using it.

A rich cream squirts out of the Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion plastic bottle when you push the pump. The consistency makes it trouble-free to spread the product evenly throughout the body. Don't let the deep brown shade of the cream shock you. Dyes had been intentionally added by its maker to keep you from overlooking certain spots.

Immediate staining happens the moment you rub Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion on your skin. This lets you feel happy with the product while DHA, its active component, is still carrying out its task. Derived from sugar cane, DHA is a very mild chemical that has the US FDA's approval for topical use on humans.

DHA being used by Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion produces the initial skin tone change in about 3 hours. Thanks to the dyes added into the formula, you can see an effect right away. Take note that the tint produced instantly lasts only until you shower. The dazzling bronze color DHA has produced becomes evident after this.

While other products try to mask the characteristic smell of indoor tanners with strong fragrances, Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion do not try to cover it up. This is actually good news because you know that no harsh chemical touches your skin. Adding fragrances to the cream just to hide the odor will only render the mildness of DHA useless. Worry not because the smell will vanish when you step foot in the shower so no one has to figure out that your suntan is fake.

It takes DHA in Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion about a full day to produce the deepest golden brown tone possible. The final result will rely on a couple of factors. One of them is the variant of Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion you use (dark, medium or very dark). The other is how light your original skin tone is.

For about a week, you may enjoy the effect of Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion. It will gradually fade just like a real suntan. To let it stay longer, you just have to apply the product once more. Regular use of a hand and body moisturizer is also said to help extend the effect. You may also rub on the moisturizing tan extender offered by the maker. A bottle of it may be bought separately or you may simply grab the Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion set.

By using Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion, you can obtain a darker complexion minus the risks. It does not necessitate UV radiation exposure just to work. Due to this, you can save your skin from developing photo damage and cancer, a disease that can cost you your life if not detected by a medical expert right away.

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