This article contains the hard truth about weight loss and explains the reasons for optimism. You can lose weight. You will lose weight if you're truly determined enough. What's more, you can keep it off for good! Read on...
We all know why we gain weight and we all know what needs to be done if we're to lose it again. Most people manage to maintain a balance, keeping their weight within a certain range. If we pile on a few pounds over Christmas, for example, then we cut back on treats in January.
Other people find this self-regulation difficult. People who struggle with their weight have commonly tried a number of different diets. Some will work for a while but when the diet is done the old habits begin to creep back in.
People who spend years fighting a losing battle against obesity usually have a problematic relationship with food. Food is not simply a pleasure and a biological necessity. Eating serves some complex psychological purpose. Food, for some people, fulfills an emotional need and weight loss will not last until the problems behind this need are resolved.
This, therefore, is why I don't believe all the hype surrounding the hypno gastric band, the hypno-band, the virtual gastric band or whatever else it's called. These techniques simply don't get to the bottom of the client's relationship with food. These methods don't solve the real problem. They are a quick fix and we all know what happens if you cut corners and do a botched job. Some practitioners do incorporate "let's look at the reasons for your over-eating" sessions within their gastric band packages but most people aren't going to see their issues resolved in one or two sessions. Virtual gastric band packages tend to be sold as blocks of 4,5 or 6 sessions and so time is limited. Again, why pay good money for a botched job?
Hypno-bands are a new development in hypnotherapy. Weight loss is big business and, as the number of smokers declines, hypnotherapists lap up the training for this technique in the hope that people desperate to lose weight will replace the dwindling numbers of people keen to stop smoking. Hypnotherapists need clients and the hypno-band, with all its promises of a magical solution which requires little or no effort, is a wonderful marketing tool - in the short to medium term.
In the long term I believe that this weight-loss "miracle" will be seen to fall short. Sooner or later people are going to look past the hype and will examine long term success rates. Because the hypno gastric band technique generally fails to redress the underlying issues I believe that it will be shown to have failed to produce long-lasting results. I wonder if they'll then realise that weight loss requires both effort and a resolution of psychological issues or whether they'll simply rush off in pursuit of the next promise of a wonder cure.
I wonder how many people, seeking to lose weight through hypnotherapy, have stopped reading this page already. Perhaps they're now searching for therapists who do offer the technique. There are plenty of therapists offering the hypno-band and similar programmes in Oxford, Reading, Wallingford and Didcot. If you're still looking for a miracle then I wish you all the best.
If I had any real reason to believe in this new technique then I'd be on that bandwagon in a flash. All I'd need to do is send someone a few hundred pounds in return for a couple of CDs and a bunch of scripts which I'd be encouraged to stick to religiously. The expense would be repaid with my very first client and I'd have plenty of clients, all desperately seeking for a quick and painless solution.
I believe, however, in real solutions. I want clients to go away happy with their progress and to be able to maintain their achievements into the future. It makes good business sense to avoid quick fixes and it's also, more importantly, the ethical way of behaving as a professional therapist.
Some therapists, if any read this, may claim that they too deal with the underlying issues as a part of this virtual gastric band programme. If so, I'd ask them why they need to use the virtual gastric band imagery at all. Once the underlying issues are dealt with the need for eating to excess will disappear. Weight will begin to come off almost by itself. Why the gimmick?
If, therefore, you're still with me then I'm glad. You're one of those people with good cause for optimism. You really can lose weight and once you've worked through your issues with food you'll begin to see truly sustainable progress. Once you've analysed your strengths and abilities you can use them to turn the ship of weight-gain around. You have everything you need to both resolve your issues with food and lose weight. Find a therapist who is able to help you muster the determination, motivation and strength of character which you do possess and which you'll need in order to maintain a sustainable weight-loss program. Not only will you have lost weight, you'll also be a stronger person, embracing your strengths and feeling better about yourself both physically and emotionally. Won't that be worth the effort?
I wish that there were a magic cure for the problem of obesity. I suspect that you know, already, that there isn't. After all, I expect that you've already tried a few. Why should a hypno-band be any different when people manage to cheat the very real ring of titanium which surgeons tie around their stomachs? Liquidised mars bar, anyone?
Losing weight is usually seen as a time of misery and puritanical self-denial. What if you could lose weight without feeling deprived? Losing weight through hypnotherapy and mindfulness can leave you feeling as happy in your diet as ever. You needn't feel deprived or short-changed at all. Please do consider giving me a call on 01865 600970 or 07786 123736 if you'd like to discuss how I could help. Alternatively, visit my website at or email me at Best wishes. Paul
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